Share your story for the 2020 Schurz Career Speaker Series

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Many in the Friends of Schurz community have generously given your time in recent years to participate in the Schurz High School Career Speaker Series. We are grateful and hope you will return in 2020 to participate in the program's new, revamped format. For those looking for a way to give back in a simple, yet meaningful way, here is your opportunity.

In response to feedback from students and past participants, the 2020 series will welcome speakers to Schurz throughout the year, allowing community members to more easily fit a visit into your schedule.

Sign up here for a date and time convenient for you:

Here's how it works: You'll meet with 10-20 students during one 50 minute period between approximately 11:15 a.m. and 2 p.m. (You do not need to use the entire period) You'll have an opportunity to share your career story and answer questions from students interested in following a similar path. Students will sign up in advance to participate. If you are able to stay for more than one session, even better!

Schurz's goal is to expose students to a variety of careers and give them the opportunity to connect with adults on a personal level. Presentations for bilingual students are welcome, so please indicate when you sign up whether you are able to present in another language.

Sign up to share your story here:

If you'd like to participate but need to present earlier in the day email Dee Barrett at to schedule your visit.

Schurz students have a wide variety of career interests!

A student survey showed interest in careers including (but NOT limited to):
Psychology/Counseling/Social Work
Engineering/Computer Science
Automotive Technology
Law Enforcement (especially anyone involved in forensics)
Dental Hygenist

Sign up now:

Before your visit:
The CPS Office of School Counseling and Postsecondary Advising requires that  Career Day/Post-Secondary Representative speakers fill out this VERY BRIEF (4 questions) form  Postsecondary Representative Screening Form prior to your arrival at the school.